Mosaic Welcomes Appointment of Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer at the U.S. Department of State



Mosaic Muslim Federal Employee Association

Washington, D.C., April 14, 2021 - Mosaic welcomes Secretary of State Tony Blinken’s appointment of Ambassador Gina Abercrombie-Winstanley to serve as the first-ever Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer at the U.S. Department of State. 

See: Announcement Video and Remarks Transcript

Ambassador Abercrombie-Winstanley stated in her remarks: “I believe that we, the Department of State, should and can become in the field of inclusion a leader.” 

Mosaic looks forward to working with the ambassador in the pursuit of advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion to ensure the State Department looks like America.  

As a senior career foreign service officer who spent much of her career in Muslim-majority countries, Ambassador Abercrombie-Winstanley understands the importance of a diverse and representative diplomatic corps. She also most recently co-led a task force on Transforming the State Department with the Truman Center. 

For more on diversity at the Department of State, please read: 2020 GAO Report on the U.S. Department of State: Additional Steps Are Needed to Identify Potential Barriers to Diversity    

In February, Secretary of Defense Llyod Austin named Bishop Garrison to serve as Senior Advisor to the Secretary of Defense on Human Capital and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.

Mosaic welcomes these steps by the Administration to improve and strengthen America’s national security workforce to be reflective of America in tapping champions of diversity, equity, and inclusion for senior roles. Mosaic is hopeful that other agencies will take similar steps and institutionalize these efforts for long-lasting impact that benefits all current and future employees.  



Mosaic is a professional network of American Muslims in the federal government dedicated to career advancement, leadership development, and promoting diversity, equity and inclusion. 



Mosaic in the News: Muslim Philanthropy Podcast


Official Launch of Mosaic Muslim Federal Employee Association – The Professional Network for Muslim American Federal Employees